Getaway: Black Monday, The (PlayStation 2)

All guns silenced

Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Left, Right, Square during the opening introduction before the main menu appears.

Alternative Ending

In Chapter 18, let Jackie die and when you reach Chapter 22. You will have a different ending and a different Chapter then the one if you saved her.


When you have unlocked Eddie in Free Roaming Mode, select him, and when you begin you will be at a petrol station on a motor bike. Get off the bike, turn around and you will see a small building. Go around to the side of this building and you will see a blue bicycle.

Blue Lemans

Search outside the Soreditch Boxing Club.

Chapter 21: Beginning of the End - Glitch

An alternate way of finishing the car level is to ram Viktor's car off the road and steal it, sounds eaisier than it is. Best way is half way through the car mission there are a whole bunch of pillars to the right side of the road, slam into him pushing his car between two of the pillars and it will get stuck. Then just steal his car, four people will get out and you can just run them all over. Viktor will not die he just keeps getting up again. Now just drive the car to the end of the level to finish it or take it for a spin as it's invincible now and never stops. Viktor is also invincible now when he is out of the car but if he does get killed by the police everything goes wierd and you can drive through walls. I have done this twice now but it is really hard to get Viktors car to stop long enough to steal it but it can be done.

Citroen Camper Van

Search on Kensigton Road, below Hyde Park.

Citroen Kebab Van

Search near Waterloo Road.

Congestion Chargers van

Look in Soho where you started in the original Getaway with Hammond to find the van.


With Mitch in free roaming mode, when you start turn right and go right into the alley. You will see a grey and red convertible just across the street from your first garage in the Holborn area.

Cruising Around

There is a hidden car for CRUISING AROUND. It is a yellow getaway car which resembles as an F1 car. From the map, it is parked on the lane opposite the Victorian Pumphouse, near the Tower of London, facing the River of Thames. If you are not sure where is the Tower of London located. Open the map at (The map on the PS2 doesnot give you any info locations.You must refer the website) Select location. Its on the rightside of the map. Having fun cruising around london with the yellow black monday car!

Double Health

Press Up(2), Left(2), Right(2), Circle(2), Down during the opening introduction before the main menu appears.

Eyetoy Lemans

Go to Marylebone and search near a garage where you can save your cars.


When your character is injured stand him/her near a wall, they should then lean against it, thus replenishing there life. Your character's blood stained clothes should clean when they are fully healed.

Lotus Police Car

Start as Mitch in free roam. Turn around and take the first right. Take the next left. Take Another left. Go straight until you come to some little tunnels on your right. It is in the 2nd tunnel along.

Making of video

Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Making of" video at the special features menu.

No traffic

Chase the black Brevis car and stop it. Then take Tyler into the police station. Leave your car outside the station and go the rest of the way on foot. Go throught the entrance to the police station until your car is out of sight. You will then notice that your car has disappeared and so has all the traffic around the city, apart from the cops on motorcycles. You can ride on a bike and have Tyler sit on the back and go on a sightseeing tour with the bike.

Penny Farthing

Go to Mayfair and search in front of a big archway at the top left of the area.

Peugeot 406

In free roaming mode, choose Viktor as your player. You will start in a purple Brabus outside the Skobel building in the city. Exit the Skobel building, turn down the side street directly opposite and drive to the end where you will have to take a right turn. Just ahead you will find the Peugeot 406 from the film "Taxi". It has one of the fastest top speeds of any car in the game and handles brilliantly.

Push bike mountain

When you start off with Sam, look behind you. There will be a push bike mountain.

Quick acceleration boost

This trick only works on cars. Get inside a car and hold down R1 and X or Up on the right analog stick to start a burnout. When the drive wheels start smoking, let go of the gas for 1 second, then push it again and your car should quickly accelerate.

Screen Effect

Press Square,Triangle,Right,Circle,Left(2) during the video sequence before the main menu.

Second Alternate Ending

In Chapter 13, don't drive Sam to the Skobel building and instead get out of the car, when you reach Chapter 22, you will see a different ending from the preivous ones you can get. You will also play a different version of Chapter 14 as Sam if she drives to the Skobel building in Chapter 13.

Take a Breather

Lean against a wall during game play and wait a while and get your health back. Your ability to do this will be limited by how badly you are hurt.

The Getawaylemans

Search behind the Tower of London.

TVR Sagaris

In free roaming mode, there is a TVR Sagaris hidden near charging cross station. Just before the station (coming towards Trafalgar Square on the strand) is a left turn; pedestrianized bit that becomes a street. Go down the road. On the left hand side is a turning to an underground car park. The Sagaris is inside.

Unlimited Ammo

Press: up, down, left, right, triangle, up, down left, right, square during the opening introduction before the Main Menu appears.

Unlock Everything

Beat the game to unlock everything such as all races, black cab levels, all chases, and all characters in free roaming mode.

Unlock Jamahl

Complete 'Your man with the tatoo' level. ( Free roaming mode )

Unlock Viktor

Complete 'Beginning Of The End' level.

Unlock Yuri

Complete 'Jimmer Collins' level. ( Free roaming mode )

Unlock Zara

Complete Chapter 19: The Vor to unlock her in free roam mode.

Vauxhall rally car

Look around the St. Pancras area. Look for an alleyway go down to find an old Vauxhall rally car.

Vauxhall Vx

Search behind the police station.