Fatal Frame (PlayStation 2)


"Chase" camera function

Successfully complete each Battle mode mission with an "S" rank.

"None" camera function

Successfully complete Nightmare mode in under 4 hours.

Alternate ending

Successfully complete the game under the nightmare difficulty setting. Note: You must play from beginning to end.

Chapter select

Successfully complete the game under the nightmare difficulty setting. A "Chapter" option will be unlocked in story mode.

Ending bonuses

Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Battle Mode", "Ghost List", "Sound Test", and "Special Function" options as well as alternate costumes.

Nightmare mode

Successfully complete the game in battle mode.

One-Hit Kill

European Import: Project Zero. To kill the God Of Destruction easily, get the Doppleganger card. Toss it near him and it may kill him with one hit.

However, the Doppleganger card is difficult to get. You will need to upgrade the following cards to 9,999 EXP Points:

#45-Great Turtle
#69-Blue Dragon
#83-White Tiger*
#104-God Of Destruction* *

Note: You will want to copy these cards prior to transforming because they are rare cards.

Screen saver

Allow the game to be paused for a few minutes. The "ghosts" will begin to put their bloody hands on the screen.

Secret stone

There is a secret stone between the steps and the save point in Sq. gardens.

Special costume 2

Successfully complete Nightmare mode.

Special costume 3

Successfully complete Nightmare mode in under 4 hours.