War in a Box: Paper Tanks (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Elite DefenderCollect 65 stars.
Expert DestroyerFinish the game in Expert mode.
FIRST BLOODGranted for first kill.
LAST BULLETKill heavy tank or zeppelin with HEAVY-GUN.
LUCKY BOYFinish the level with 1 life.
Master of CANNONBuilt 100 CANNONS.
Master of FLACKBuilt 25 FLACKS.
Master of GUNBuilt 25 HEAVY-GUNS.
Master of TESLABuilt 20 TESLAS.
PAPER GENERALISIMUSFinish the game in Expert Mode with Perfect Score.
Rookie DefenderCollect 35 stars.
Shame of the nationLose 3 rounds in a row.
Super ARTILLERISTDestroy 300 units using ARTILLERY.
Super CANNONIERDestroy 1000 units using CANNON.
Super FLACKerDestroy 1000 units using FLACK.
Super GUNNERDestroy 300 units using HEAVY-GUN.
Super TESLA AdeptDestroy 50 units using TESLA.
UNSTOPPABLEWin 10 rounds in a row.
Veteran DefenderCollect 50 stars.