Vermillion Watch: Fleshbound (PC)

Various Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Art of the GameWatch all of the credits.
BrawlerFor excellence in bar fight choreography.
Here Goes NothingFor resourcefulness, even if it didn't work.
Light FingersSkilfully swipe from under the villains noses.
Lightning CollectorCollect all hidden lightning symbols.
Morphing MasterCollect all morphing objects.
NavigatorSuperbly navigate the musky, musty, dusty tunnels.
PerfectionFinish a HOP without using a hint in 60 seconds.
Pet FriendlierPlay with an alligator and keep all your fingers.
Pet FriendlyPlay with the critters you meet throughout your adventure.
PrecisionFinish a HOP without any mistakes.
PuzzlerSolve a mini-game without skipping.
Quick MindSolve a mini-game in under two minutes.
Rank Chaser!Achieve gold medals in all HOP scenes from the Extras menu.
SeekerFind 100 objects.
Supreme AchieverCollect every souvenir.
Swift FeetUse fast travel via the map one time.
Ultimate EyeFind four objects in eight seconds.