Transistor (PC)


Fill all three slots under Number 1 (where you can have the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 set to load functions). Now you can drag and move Number 2 left to replace Number 1, and suddenly Number 2 will have all slots accessible. Meanwhile, Number 1 doesn't lose any of the loaded functions. This makes it easier to max out individual function sets without having to level up your character.

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AgencyComplete each Agency Test
AlignAchieve User Level 8.
AnythingDeal at least 1024 damage in one Turn in the Practice Test.
BetComplete five encounters with one or more Limiters in use.
BracketConfront Royce beyond Cloudbank.
ByeComplete the story.
ContestClear every Test.
DareComplete five encounters with five or more Limiters in use.
DriveReach the Goldwalk District.
EverythingDeal at least 2048 damage in one Turn in the Practice Test.
FindInspect 10 completed Function Files.
FocusAchieve User Level 16.
FunctionUnlock every Transistor Function.
GoodbyeRecurse through the story.
KendrellConfront Grant and Asher at Bracket Towers.
LimiterUnlock every Process Limiter.
MemoryUnlock 32 MEM.
NewsUse 10 different OVC Terminals.
OneAchieve User Level 24.
PerformanceComplete each Performance Test.
PlanningComplete each Planning Test.
ProcessInspect all completed Limiter Files.
ReiszConfront Sybil at the Empty Set.
RevealInspect all completed Function Files.
RiskComplete five encounters with all 10 Limiters in use.
SandboxClear one of each Test.
SearchInspect five completed Function Files.
SelfUpgrade a Function with a copy of itself.
SpeedComplete each Speed Test.
SpineConfront the Spine at the Bracket Towers facade.
StabilityComplete each Stability Test.
StackCreate a Function combination requiring 12 MEM.
UserUnlock every Upgrade Slot and Passive Slot.