Tibetan Quest: Beyond the World's End (PC)


Various Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
CollectorFind all the collectables in the first chapter.
Collector SupremeFind all the collectables in the game.
Detective SupremeFinish every HO without using hint.
DeterminedSolve a mini game without using skip.
Fast PacedFind 3 hidden objects within 3 seconds.
Game WinnerSave Larisa.
Gamer SupremeSolve all the mini games without using skip.
Great CollectorFind all the collectables in the fourth chapter.
HistorianSolve all the background story mini games.
Insane ModeFind 5 hidden objects within 5 seconds.
LearnerPlay and finish the tutorial.
ObserverFinish a HO without a hint.
OverlordEarn all the achievements.
Patient ListenerWatch all cut scenes without skipping.
Quick MindedSolve three mini games in less than ten minutes.
Skilled CollectorFind all the collectables in the second chapter.
Steady HandFinish a HO without a misclick.
SurvivorSolve three mini games without skipping.
Talented CollectorFind all the collectables in the third chapter.
WittySolve a mini game in under a minute.