Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
A New ChallengerUnlocked Fighter outfit (Collected 3 stars in a single life).
Ballin'Completed the fireball challenge.
Big Ballin'Completed the fireball II challenge.
Cannon FartherCompleted the cannon II challenge.
Cannon FodderCompleted the cannon challenge.
Cut to the ChaseUnlock Ninja outfit (collected 100 block bits in a single life).
Cutting EdgeCompleted the chainsaw challenge.
Dark HorseUnlocked Beezleblock outfit (Defeated Beezleblock).
Dark Lord of AllDefeated Beezleblock.
Dyno MightCompleted the TNT II challenge.
Epic FlailCompleted the flail II challenge.
Gettin' DownCompleted the Tower Down challenge.
Gimme A BreakSurvive 10 minutes in a single life.
Going UpCompleted the Tower Up challenge.
High as a KiteUnlocked Jetpack (collected 3 jewels in a single life).
Hit and MissileCompleted the homing missle challenge.
Ice ColdGot to power level 4 in Icy Island.
Ice to See YouCompleted the icicles challenge.
Instant GlassicCompleted the Glass Splitters challenge.
Jewel Thief100 Jewels Collected.
Lookin' SharpCompleted the spikes challenge.
Loose CannonCompleted the TNT challenge.
Mansion ManiacGot to power level 4 in Mansion Mania.
No TroubleGot to power level 4 in Troublesome Tech.
Over My Dead BodiesDie 1000 times.
Pedal to the MetalUnlocked Cyborg outfit (Collected 10 stars in one life).
Punk SpelunkerGot to power level 4 in Cookin' Caves.
Retro RenegadeGot to power level 4 in Retro Relic.
Rockets Speak Louder than WordsUnlocked Rocket Launcher (Collected 500 block bits in a single life).
Say That to My MaceCompleted the flail challenge.
Senior DrillerCompleted the drill challenge.
SpincredibleCompleted the firespinner challenge.
The End...?100 percent complete.
Two to TangoUnlocked Duel Wield outfit (Collected 6 jewels in a single life).
Wood WarriorGot to power level 4 in War of the Woods.