SpinTires (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
BLIND NAVIGATIONFinish a level without removing any 'Cloaks'.
BULLLoad 'Long Logs' onto the Type D-537 truck and drive to an Objective location without using the brakes.
CARRIER HAS ARIVEDDrive 200 meters with the Type A-469 vehicle on the back of your truck.
CHIEF LUMBERJACKKnock down 30 big trees.
CLIMBERClimb a very steep hill for 50 meters.
COASTFinish the Coast level in Hardcode mode.
COAST COOPFinish the Coast level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
COAST SETTLERUnlock all of the Garages on the Coast level.
DAVIDUse a Type B-130 to tow a Type E-3710 for 50 meters in Pull mode.
DIVERDrive through water so that your vehicle is fully submerged and then escape without the engine stalling.
DRIVE CAREFULLYDeliver Medium or Long logs without receiving any damage.
EXPLORE COASTRemove all of the 'Cloaks' from the Coast level.
EXPLORE HILLRemove all of the 'Cloaks' from the Hill level.
EXPLORE PLAINSRemove all of the 'Cloaks' from the Plains level.
EXPLORE RIVERRemove all of the 'Cloaks' from the River level.
EXPLORE VOLCANORemove all of the 'Cloaks' from the Volcano level.
EXPLORERRemove all of the 'Cloaks' on any level with the Type A-469 vehicle.
FISHERMANWinch a vehicle to safety that is underwater with another vehicle.
FORESTERFinish a level without using the 'Minimap' in one Single Player session.
FUEL TANKERFill up other player's Vehicle with 1000 litres of fuel.
HILLFinish the Hill level in Hardcore mode.
HILL COOPFinish the Hill level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
HILL SETTLERUnlock all of the Garages on the Hill level.
I HAVE ALL I NEEDFinish a level without changing the Vehicle addons during one Single Player session.
LUMBERJACKKnock down 100 small trees.
MECHANICRepair other player truck for 1000 points.
MY ONLY LOVEFinish a level with each Vehicle travelling less than 20 meters in Single Player mode.
NIGHT OPSPick and pack logs from your capsized truck during the night.
OLD STILL GOODComplete particular objective by using Type B-130 only.
PLAINSFinish the Plains level in Hardcore mode.
PLAINS COOPFinish the Plains level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
PLAINS SETTLERUnlock all of the Garages on the Plains level.
PLUMBERVisit 8 toilets on the Hill level in one game session.
RED STARCollect the 'Finish' achievements for each levels.
RESCUE MISSIONMore than 150 meters from a Garage, tow a fully damaged Type C truck to another Garage with the Type E-7310 truck.
RISE OF MACHINESCompletely damage a brand new Type A-469 with a Type E-7310.
RIVERFinish the River level in Hardcore mode.
RIVER COOPFinish the River level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
RIVER SETTLERUnlock all of the Garages on the River level.
SCAVENGERDeliver 20 load points with Logs found outside a Lumber location.
SISYPHUSDrive a Type C vehicle with the Parking Brake engaged for 300 meters and Diff Lock disengaged.
SIZE DOES MATTERComplete a particular objective by delivering 'Long Logs' only.
SIZE DOESNT MATTERComplete a particular objective by delivering 'Short Logs' only.
STUDENT DRIVERReceive 500 or more damage points from a single impact.
THE DRIVERTravel 100 kilometers.
THE ROLL OVERRoll a vehicle onto its roof.
UNSTOPPABLELoad 'Medium Logs' onto the Type C-4320 truck and drive to an Objective location without releasing accelerator.
VOLCANOFinish Volcano level in Hardcore mode.
VOLCANO COOPFinish Volcano level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
VOLCANO SETTLERUnlock all of the Garages on the Volcano level.