Collection Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding in-game achievements. Achievements with multiple requirement numbers indicate tiered achievements, available in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond versions.

AchievementHow to unlock
Avatar1/10/20/30/40 avatar icons unlocked.
Fashion Forward10/25/50/75/100 god skins unlocked.
Gods10/20/30/40/50 gods unlocked.
Ward Skins1/5/10/20/30 ward skins unlocked.

Combat Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding in-game achievements. Achievements with multiple requirement numbers indicate tiered achievements, available in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond versions.

AchievementHow to unlock
Come BackWin a match where your team had at least 4000 combined gold less than the enemy team.
Death from AboveKilled 25 players with damage dealt by landing from a leap.
DominationWin a match where your team has killed twice as many players as the enemy team.
Down to the WireWin an Arena match where your team had 20 tickets or less remaining.
Feel the FuryReach the maximum Attack Speed of 2.5 in a single match.
First WinGet the first win of the day bonus in 3 different game modes in one day.
Fooled YouGet the killing blow on an enemy player using reflected damage.
FortitudeIncrease your maximum health above 4000 on a Guardian or Warrior in a single match.
Freeze!Stun 15 enemy players.
Good GameCompleted a match with 5 or more Kills, 10 or more Assists, and 2 or fewer Deaths.
HealerHealed players other than yourself more than 10,000/50,000/100,000/500,000/1,000,000 health.
Helping HandAssist in each kill of another player's Penta Kill.
I Will Find ThemDestroy 25 enemy wards.
Jump, JumpLeap over 100 times with characters that have leaps.
KaboomDealt more than 1500 damage to an enemy player with a single ability.
Last HitKill 20 minions by getting the last hit with a Basic Attack in a single match.
Last Man StandingBe the only player left alive on either team in Conquest, Assault, or Arena
Limit ThemDisarm or Silence 10 enemy players.
Line Them UpHit 3 different enemy players with a single ability.
No EscapeKill an enemy while they were leaping in the air and un-hittable.
One to NothingWin an Arena match where your team had only a single ticket remaining.
PerfectGet the killing blow on an enemy player without taking damage from them.
PluckedKnock 15 enemy players that were outside your tower into your tower's radius.
Precise ShotGet a Double Kill where both kills were the result of ranged Basic Attacks.
PushPush 10 minions into the enemy portal in Arena
Questions LaterDeal damage to every enemy player in Arena before any of them damage you.
RebornWin a game of Conquest, Siege, or Joust after one of your Phoenixes was destroyed.
SurvivorSurvived more than 50 battles with less than 10% health.
Up You GoKnockup 15 enemy players.
Use Your FistsGet the killing blow on an enemy player with a Basic Attack while playing a Guardian.

Kills Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding in-game achievements. Achievements with multiple requirement numbers indicate tiered achievements, available in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond versions.

AchievementHow to unlock
20 to 1Kill enemy gods more than 20 times in a single match, and only die once.
After EffectKill an enemy god after they had already killed you.
Cleanup CrewKill 3 enemy gods with a single ability.
Double Kills10/50/100/200/400 Double Kills.
Final FormKill 5 enemy gods with a single ability.
First Blood10/25/50/75/100 First Bloods.
god assists100/1,000/5,000/10,000/25,000 Assists on a god kill.
god kills100/500/1,000/5,000/10,000 gods killed.
Hard CarryKilled more than 20 enemy gods in a single Conquest match.
Maxed OutReach Player Level 30.
Penta Kill1/2/3/4/5 Penta Kills.
Poor Minions100/1,000/10,000/50,000/100,000 Minions killed.
Quadra Kills1/5/10/15/20 Quadra Kills.
Shut DownShut down 10/20/50/100/? Killing Sprees.
Sprees10/50/100/500/1000 Killing Sprees.
Triple Kills5/10/20/30/40 Triple Kills.

Lifetime Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding in-game achievements. Achievements with multiple requirement numbers indicate tiered achievements, available in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond versions.

AchievementHow to unlock
All About the ConquestPlayed 1/25/100/500/1000 Normal Conquest matches.
Art of WarMastered 5 Warriors.
Assassin for HiredMastered 5 Assassins.
AssaultPlayed 1/25/100/500/1000 Assault matches.
CompetitorPlayed 1/25/100/500/1000 League matches.
Diamonds Are Forever1/2/3/4/5 characters at Mastery Level.
Getting PhysicalMastered 20 Physical Damage characters.
GladiatorPlayed 1/25/100/500/1000 Arena matches.
Join the HuntMastered 5 Hunters.
JoustPlayed 1/25/100/500/1000 Joust 3v3 matches.
Love to GuardMastered 5 Guardians.
Once a MageMastered 5 Mages.
PantheistCompleted a match with a character from all seven pantheons.
SiegePlayed 1/25/100/500/1000 Siege matches.
Trial By FireWin at least one match with 25 different characters.
You're MagicalMastered 20 Magical Damage characters.

Objectives Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding in-game achievements. Achievements with multiple requirement numbers indicate tiered achievements, available in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond versions.

AchievementHow to unlock
Beast MasterSummon 20 Siege Minions in Siege Mode.
Beast SlayerGet the killing blow on an enemy Siege Monster in Siege Mode.
DestructibleDestroy an enemy tower in Conquest or Siege before 8:00 on the in-game clock.
Fast BloodEarn First Blood in any game mode before 0:00 on the in-game clock.
Flaming SpeedYour team killed the Fire Giant in Conquest by 10:30 on the in-game clock.
Golden GreedYour team killed the Gold Fury in Conquest before 3:00 on the in-game clock.
Monster HunterIn one match, get the killing blow on 3 different types of jungle buffs.
Monster MadnessIn one match, get the killing blow on 5 jungle camps of any type.
Objective HunterIn one match, get the killing blow on both the Fire Giant and Gold Fury.
Objective Killer1/25/100/500/1000 killing blows on the Fire Giant or Gold Fury.
Objective StealsGet the killing blow 1/10/25/?/? times on the Fire Giant or Gold Fury where the enemy team did a majority of the damage.
Super CheerWin an Arena match with more than 100 Tickets remaining.
Tower KillerDestroyed 10/50/100/500/1000 Towers.
What a HOGKilled 50 buff camp monsters using Hand of the gods.

Social Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding in-game achievements. Achievements with multiple requirement numbers indicate tiered achievements, available in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond versions.

AchievementHow to unlock
Clan QuestsCompleted 1/5/10/25/50 Quests with your Clan.
Clan TogetherPlayed 1/10/50/ hours with a Clan member in your party.
Friends ForeverPlayed 5/10/25/100/250 hours with a player from your friends list in your party.
HonorableEarned 50/100/500/1000/5000 Clan Honor.
I Like YouHave 1/5/25/50/80 friends in your friends list.
Join a ClanJoin a clan.
Teamed UpPlayed 1/10/20/50/100 matches while in a party.

Special Events Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding in-game achievements. Some Special Event achievements will reward in-game rewards for completion.

AchievementHow to unlock
Beta PlayerYou reached Level 30 in the SMITE Beta (and earned the Cacodemon Ymir skin).
Curse Connected: BronzePlay 10 games with Curse Voice.
Curse Connected: Gold / Limited Curse WardPlay 30 games with Curse Voice.
Curse Connected: Silver / Limited Curse IconPlay 20 games with Curse Voice.
Curse FTWWin a Arena or Conquest match where all your team-mates were in Curse Voice
Event Master: Bronze / 100 gemsWon 5 matches in the Special Event queue.
Event Master: Silver / 200 gemsWon 25 matches in the Special Event queue.