Sims 2: Open for Business, The (PC)

50,000 simoleons

Nicola, when she added the cheat was close with the code. The real code to enter to get the cheat menu up is CTRL-SHIFT-C. Then type in motherlode to get 50,000 simoleons. (NOTE: This doesn't count towards wants to earn 50,000 simoleons)

50,000 simoleons

Press [ctrl]+[alt]+[delete] then type in motherlode and your sim will now have 50,000 more simoleons.

Better business

To get a bit of an edge over your competition, make sure to impress the Reporters whenever they come around to your shop. If you manage to raise their customer loyalty enough, they will write you a good review in the local papers. This boosts customer inflow and willingness to buy. Just watch for visitors taking copious notes.

Cheat Mode

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

1,000 more SimoleonsKaching
50,000 more Simoleonsmotherlode
Add money to indicated familyfamilyfunds [family last name] [number]
After typing expand, will you see the game version in the cheat boxgameVersion
Allow object rotationboolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true
Change television volume; default is 0.5floatProp tvVolume [0.0-1.0]
Clear console windowclear
Close console windowexit
Display information about indicated cheathelp [cheat command]
Enable postprocessing cheats; requires video card that supports pixel shadersboolProp enablePostProcessing [true or false]
Expand or contract console windowexpand
In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlightedboolprop ShowLotPackageFilename [true or false]
Increase game performance with some graphics glitchesVsync [on or off]
Make Sims larger or smaller; 1.0 is normalStretchSkeleton [number]
List most cheat codeshelp
No censor; set to 8 to return to normalintprop censorgridsize 0
Objects can be placed anywhere in buy and build modes; hand tool can move any objectmoveObjects [on or off]
Prevent Sims from agingaging [on or off]
Remove all Sims; use in neighborhood viewdeleteAllCharacters
Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhoodboolprop lotTerrainLighting [true or false]
Set to false to place floor tiles outside lotboolprop locktiles [true or false]
Set to false to place objects out of gridboolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true or false]
Set to false to raise and lower floor even when covered with objectsboolprop constrainFloorElevation [true or false]
Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhoodboolprop displayLotImposters [true or false]
Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora [true or false]
Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel [true or false]
Set to false to remove floorpainting on lotboolprop lotTerrainPaints [true or false]
Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodProps [true or false]
Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside houseboolprop objectShadows [true or false]
Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lotsboolprop lotWater [true or false]
Set to false to remove roads from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads [true or false]
Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside houseboolProp guob [true or false]
Set to false to remove water from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodWater [true or false]
Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look atboolprop displayLookAtBoxes [true or false]
Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhoodboolprop carsCompact [true or false]
Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Simboolprop renderSelectedSimLevel [true or false]
Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when usedboolprop allObjectLightsOn [true or false]
Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks toboolProp displayPaths [true or false]
Set to true to show lot informationboolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode [true or false]
Slow motion; 0 is normal, 8 is slowestslowMotion [0-8]
Stop Sim's Needs from decayingmotiveDecay [on or off]
Toggle terrain types; use in neighborhood viewTerrainType [desert or temperate]
Turn off facial DNA blending in Create A SimfaceBlendLimits [on or off]
Toggle automatic game updatesautoPatch [on or off]
Toggle grid in build or buy modeboolprop showFloorGrid [true or false]
Toggle shadows for SimsboolProp simShadows [true or false]
Unknown effectboolprop lotTerrainCanvas [true or false]
Use in neighborhood screen to invite more guests with a partyintProp maxNumOfVisitingSims [number]

Note: Some codes may be CaSe-SeNsItIvE.

Debug mode

When in the "Create A Family" screen create an adult female, and for her name type Enter Fitrs N. A popup will appear on the top right stating "Create-a-sim is now in Debugging Mode". Enter it without assigning your Sim a last name. This gives you new clothing options, you can have your sims body be invisible, assign Fig Leaf Clothing, and use many other hidden secrets.


Press [ctrl]+[alt]+[c] Then type in motherlode and !tada! the cheat has worked and your sims now have 50,000 simoleons more! Isn't that great?

Reset Sim or object

If your Sim or object is not working with anything, try doing this. It will reset what they are doing with no harm done. First, enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code Shift click on the Sim or object that is not working. Keep selecting the "More..." option until you find the "Force Error" selection. A box will appear. Select"Reset". This will cancel anything they are doing, no matter what.

Saving leftovers

To keep leftovers from spoiling, buy a food display case. When your Sim is finished eating his food, and there is still food remaining on the plate, go into buy mode. Pick up the plate and put it in the display case. The food will never go bad and you can pick it up in buy mode and put it on a counter, table, etc. for your Sim to eat more of it.

Sim lives forever

Build a servo after getting the Gold Badge in Robots. Then, kill the Sims you started with. The only person remaining will be the robot, and you can do everything that you could do with a Sim normally, even buying businesses and operating them.


While in live mode press ctrl+shift+c then type in Talents it should give you all talents.

Torture Room

Ok to make yourself a torture room make a family and move them into a city with lots of people in the town. Turn on the move all objects cheat (by pressing holding Ctrl, Shift, C and typing moveobjects_on) then make a second floor to your house without stairs or an elevator leading up to it. Then when neighbors come to visit you pick them up and put them in your torture room and don't put anything in there like a bed or toilet. It is hilarious watching all of the people interact. Also order groceries or a pizza or call the cops or firemen etc. to get more people in there.


To add some twins to your family, the medical powers of Cheesecake might be for you. Have a slice before you "Try For Baby" and you may be surprised with the results.