Sealed Ampoule, The (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Boy & A GirlSpoke to the twins for the first time.
A Boy & FreedomViewed all Thomas events.
A Girl & The FutureViewed all Mary Anne events.
All Alchemy ToolsFound all types of alchemy tools.
All ElementsAcquired all types of elements.
All EnemiesDefeated all types of enemies.
All Magic CirclesFound all types of Magic Circles.
All SkillsLearned all types of skills.
All-You-Can-HealRestored 10,000 HP using a single recovery item.
Arrival & VictoryViewed the True Ending.
Big BreakthroughReached Floor 100.
Bigtime FarmerVisited a farm of size 50 or above.
Booting & RumblingStarted up the power reactor.
BreakthroughReached Floor 50.
Bronze GloryReached level 100.
Circulation & LiberationViewed the ending.
Corpse & RefundViewed all dead body events.
Crushing OffenseReached +100 ATK using Numerology.
Death & TroubleViewed first event.
Fertilizer & AbundanceViewed all Agriculturalization Complete events.
Follower of MercuryDefeated the Mercury Guard.
Gold GloryReached level 500.
Hella SecretsRestored 1000 MP using a single recovery item.
Huge BreakthroughReached Floor 200.
Impenetrable DefenseReached +100 DEF using Numerology.
Incredible VitalityReached +1000 Max HP using Numerology.
Indomitable MentalityReached +500 Max MP using Numerology.
Kicker of AssesDefeated +1 or above enemy for the first time.
Manipulator of SulfurDefeated the Sulfur Guard.
Master & CompletionViewed all Alchemist events.
Master of PainReached +1% Critical Rate using Numerology.
Overflow & FixationViewed all Magic Level Up Complete events.
Parent, Child & PlaqueEntrusted with the Emerald Board.
Records & RebirthUsed the power of the Acasia Book.
Ridiculous BreakthroughReached Floor 1000.
Ruler of SaltDefeated the Salt Guard.
Secrets & DiscoveriesFound a forbidden room.
SettlerVisited your first farm.
Silver GloryReached level 300.
Super Kicker of AssesDefeated +9 enemy for the first time.
The Dwarf & The TwinsAcquired the wisdom of the Homunculi.
Tremendous BreakthroughReached Floor 500.
Understanding & CooperationGot help from the twins.
Unobtainable Magic PowerReached +100 Magic DEF using Numerology.
WarpmeisterWarped 100 floors or more at once.