Reverie (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Festive EveningFirst: it's festive. Second: it's evening!
A Fiery AfternoonPray for rain!
A Green DrinkIs it... absinthe?
A New Dreamwalker AppearsHeeeelp! I've been bodysnatched!!
A Rude Awakening!Who likes waking up to the locust plague??
A Vampire's RecipeBlood, mist and bats oh my!
All Mosses AbloomOut with the spikes, in with the green!
Black MoonbeamTouching the moon? Really??
DaydreamerWow, you really left it on for that long?
Eclipse!!My eyes! My poor eyes!
Frozen BlueDon't get frostbites!
Hail the Falling MoonNext time, don't go fixing broken totems!
In Silver LandsHas... too much time passed?
Musical MushroomsClimb up the scales!
Rainbow LeylinesThat's trippy!
T'was a Dark and Stormy NightPrepare the mirrors!
The Monster Sleeps TonightA-weeeaaamamaweeeeeeh~!
Time to Leave!!!Who knew he hates purple so much!
Two Flames and a BridgeDon't forget to turn off the moon!
Unearthed RuinsWhy are these things always fully functional?
Verdant RainIsn't that a bit too much for just one flower?