Overwatch (PC)


Dangerous Leap on Hanamura Map

When the enemy team's base on the Hanamura map is in the easily defended shrine area, some characters you might choose can head outside the base and make a leap from one ledge to a balcony (after shooting away the railing) to gain surprise access to an area of the base from which it is easier to launch an attack. However, characters with a shorter jump typically can't cross the gap. The good news is that there's a higher path that makes the leap possible for most characters (perhaps with assistance from a wall run), provided you're willing to risk potential death if you don't execute it properly. The video demonstrates the process.


Mercy is a representative of the Supports without which any team can have a hard time during a match. Her task is to keep her allies alive or to support them during the offensive, that's why her weapon, the Caduceus Staff, has two firing modes: when holding the LMB it will heal the character your aiming at, and when using the RMB it will boost their damage. If you want to take a more active part in the attack, you can always switch to Caduceus Blaster, which is better than nothing but that's pretty much it. Mercy can also fly up to an ally that needs help or slow her fall
from bigger heights. Her ultimate ability is Resurrect, which allows her to bring back to life dead team members where they died. Extremely helpful when assaulting or defending a strategic point.

Translated quotes

The following characters will say the following non-English quotes.

Mercy (German)
"Helden sterben nicht": Heroes never/don't die
"Sprechstunde bei der Frau Doktor": Consulting with the female doctor

Widowmaker (French)
"Personne n'échappe à mon regard": No one can escape my sight
"ça pique, n'est-ce pas?": It stings, doesn't it?
"Allez, montre-toi": Come on, show yourself
"Je te vois...": I see you
"Magnifique": Magnificent
"Encore?": Another one? / Again?
"Cherché la femme": Search for the woman
"Une balle, un mort": One shot, One kill (lit. "one bullet, one death")
"Et c'est comme ça": And it's like that
"À la vie, à la mort": To life, to death" or also "for better, for worse
"Merde!": Shit!
"C'est la vie": That's life

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Air StrikeGet a killing blow with Doomfist's full-power Seismic Slam in Quick or Competitive Play.
Anger ManagementDamage 6 enemies during a single use of Winston's Primal Rage in Quick or Competitive Play.
Armor Up!Have one of Torbjörn's Armor Packs on 5 allies at the same time in Quick or Competitive Play.
BlackjackEarn 21 postgame cards in Quick or Competitive Play.
Can't Touch ThisPrevent the attacking team from touching the payload for 1 minute in Quick or Competitive Play.
CentenaryWin 100 games in Quick or Competitive Play.
Charge!Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Bastion's Configuration: Tank in Quick or Competitive Play.
Clearing the AreaKnock an enemy to their death using Pharah's Concussive Blast in Quick or Competitive Play.
Cold SnapFreeze 4 enemies at once with Mei in Quick or Competitive Play.
CrateredHit 6 enemies with a single use of Doomfist's Meteor Strike in Quick or Competitive Play.
Death From AboveKill 4 enemies in a row without touching the ground as Pharah in Quick or Competitive Play.
Decked OutCollect 50 unlocks for a single hero.
DecoratedEarn 50 postgame medals in Quick or Competitive Play.
Did That Sting?Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's Venom Mine during a single Quick or Competitive Play game.
Die Die Die... DieKill 4 enemies with a single use of Reaper's Death Blossom in Quick or Competitive Play.
Double CapCapture both objectives on a Capture map without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
EnablerGet 4 kills or assists with a single use of Ana's Nano Boost in Quick or Competitive Play.
Escort DutyPush a payload 100 meters without leaving it in Quick or Competitive Play.
Game OverKill 4 enemies with a single use of D.va's Self Destruct in Quick or Competitive Play.
Giving You the HookInterrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Roadhog's Hook in Quick or Competitive Play.
Group Health PlanRestore 200 health for 5 players without dying as Mercy in Quick or Competitive Play.
Hack the PlanetHack 15 enemies without dying as Sombra in Quick or Competitive Play.
Halt StatePull enemies into 1000 damage with a single use of Orisa's Halt! in Quick or Competitive Play.
Hog WildKnock 2 enemies to their deaths with one use of Roadhog's Whole Hog in Quick or Competitive Play.
Huge RezResurrect 4 players at once with Mercy in Quick or Competitive Play.
Huge SuccessTeleport 20 players in a single Quick or Competitive Play game as Symmetra.
I Am Your ShieldBlock 8000 damage with Reinhardt's Barrier Field without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Ice BlockedBlock 1200 damage with a single use of Mei's Ice Wall in Quick or Competitive Play.
It's High NoonGet 4 killing blows with a single use of McCree's Deadeye in Quick or Competitive Play.
Level 10Reach level 10.
Level 25Reach level 25.
Level 50Reach level 50.
LockdownWin a Capture map on defense without losing the first objective in Quick or Competitive Play.
Mine Like a Steel TrapKnock an enemy into your Steel Trap using Junkrat's Concussion Mine in Quick or Competitive Play.
Mine SweeperDestroy 10 turrets or traps using Winston's Tesla Cannon without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
NaptimeInterrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Ana's Sleep Dart in Quick or Competitive Play.
OverclockedAmplify 900 damage with a single use of Orisa's Supercharger in Quick or Competitive Play.
Power OutageHack 6 enemies at once as Sombra in Quick or Competitive Play.
Power OverwhelmingKeep Zarya's particle cannon above 70 power for 60 seconds in Quick or Competitive Play.
Raid WipeKill 4 enemies during a single use of Torbjörn's Molten Core in Quick or Competitive Play.
Rapid DiscordGet 4 kills or assists with Zenyatta's Orb of Discord within 6 seconds in Quick or Competitive Play.
RoadkillKill 4 enemies with a single use of Junkrat's RIP-Tire in Quick or Competitive Play.
Rocket ManGet 2 killing blows with a single use of Soldier: 76's Helix Rockets in Quick or Competitive Play.
Shot DownPrevent 1500 damage with a single use of D.va's Defense Matrix in Quick or Competitive Play.
ShutoutWin a Control map without the enemy capturing an objective in Quick or Competitive Play.
Simple GeometryGet 2 killing blows with a single use of Hanzo's Scatter Arrow in Quick or Competitive Play.
Slice and DiceKill 4 enemies with a single use of Genji's Dragonblade in Quick or Competitive Play.
Smooth as SilkKill an enemy with a scoped headshot while airborne as Widowmaker in Quick or Competitive Play.
Special DeliveryStick 4 of Tracer's Pulse Bombs onto enemies in a single Quick or Competitive Play game.
Storm, Earth and FireLand Reinhardt's Fire Strike and Charge after an Earthshatter stun in Quick or Competitive Play.
SupersonicBlock 1000 damage with a single use of Lúcio's Sound Barrier in Quick or Competitive Play.
Survival ExpertUse health packs to heal 900 health in a single life in Quick or Competitive Play.
Target Rich EnvironmentKill 4 enemies with a single use of Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Car WashHit an enemy with 7 beams simultaneously as Symmetra in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Dragon Is SatedKill 4 enemies with one of Hanzo's Spirit Dragons in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Floor Is LavaGet 3 killing blows while wall riding as Lúcio without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Friend ZonePlay a Quick or Competitive Play game in a group with a friend.
The Iris Embraces YouRestore 1500 health with a single use of Zenyatta's Transcendence in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Path Is ClosedDestroy 3 of Symmetra's Teleporters in a single Quick or Competitive Play game.
The Power of AttractionCapture 5 enemies in a single use of Zarya's Graviton Surge in Quick or Competitive Play.
Their Own Worst EnemyKill 2 enemies with a single use of Genji's Deflection in Quick or Competitive Play.
Total RecallRecover 400 health using Tracer's Recall without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Triple ThreatKill 2 enemies in each of Bastion's configurations without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
UndyingGet a 20 player kill streak in Quick or Competitive Play.
Waste Not, Want NotGet 3 solo kills with a single clip of Reaper's shotguns in Quick or Competitive Play.
Whoa There!Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with McCree's Flashbang in Quick or Competitive Play.
World TravelerWin a Quick or Competitive Play game on 12 different maps.

Warcraft References

When playing in the Temple of Anubis, check out the vehicle in which you spawn. On the inside, you'll find the skull of a Hydralisk (from Starcraft), and on the outside, you'll find a spray-painted Murloc from Warcraft. On a separate map, you'll find promotional posters hyping various movies based on characters in the game. If you check the company behind the titles, you'll see that it is Goldshire Productions. As you might recall, Goldshire is a town in World of Warcraft.