Mount Wingsuit (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
1 Hour AirtimeFly for a total of one hour.
1 Million ComboScore a combo of at least 1 million.
100 DeathsDie a 100 times.
100% CompletionComplete all objectives, gaps and collectibles.
250K ComboScore a combo of at least 250K.
50 Box LandingsSurvive 50 box landings.
BullseyeHit a box landing bullseye.
First Box LandingSurvive a box landing.
First PullPull the parachute.
Gap CollectorComplete all gaps.
Halfway To The TopUnlock droppoint 10.
Medici TouristVisit old Rico.
Orb CollectorCollect all hidden orbs.
Pro RecorderComplete all record the pros.
Quad Barrel RollPerform a risky quadruple barrel roll.
Rage QuitterPerform a rage quit.
Sick Barrel RollPerform a risky quintuple barrel roll.
Sick FlipPerform a risky quintuple frontflip or backflip.
Suit CollectorUnlock all suits.
SurvivorComplete all survival runs.
Through The MountainFly through a mountain hole or tunnel.
To The TopUnlock all droppoints.
Tree HuggerHit a tree.
Triple FlipPerform a risky triple frontflip or backflip.
Whale CollectorCollect all ninja whales.