Monstrum (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Barricade EnterGet access to a barricaded room.
Brute EscapeComplete the game with the Brute enabled.
Fiend EscapeComplete the game with the Fiend enabled.
Fire ExtinguisherBlast a monster with the fire extinguisher.
Flare gun BruteShoot the brute with the flare gun.
GlowsticksHave 6 glowsticks at once.
Helicopter EscapeEscape the ship via the helicopter.
Hunter EscapeComplete the game with the Hunter enabled.
Hunter Item TrapTrigger the Hunter pods with an item.
Liferaft EscapeEscape the ship via the liferaft.
Main Steam ValveActivate the main steam valve.
Monster deathsGet killed by all 3 monsters.
Monster Pitfall KillGet killed by a monster after falling on a pit trap.
Monster TrapTrap a monster in a locked room.
Power FuseboxesPower 2 fuseboxes in one playthrough.
Submarine EscapeEscape the ship via the submarine.