Microcivilization (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Against OddsFinish Level 10 of The Babel Tower.
Anyone NOT called Spartacus around here?Defeat The Slave Revolt.
ChieftainClick the Main Button 100 times.
ClanHave 50 Population.
Classical EraUnlock Classical Era.
EmperorClick the Main Button 50,000 times.
Expansionist 1Have 3 Village Tiles.
Expansionist 2Own 8 Villages.
Farmer 1Own 3 Farmlands.
Farmer 2Own 8 Farmlands.
Forester 1Own 3 Forests.
Forester 2Own 8 Forests.
Gluten is the future!Overcome The Neolithic Revolution.
Gods of OldWin the Babel Tower Scenario.
HordeHave 1,000 Population.
I love the smell of pea soup in the morningDefeat the Great Smog.
Industrial EraUnlock Industrial Era.
KingClick the Main Button 5,000 times.
Know-it-allUnlock all Ascensions.
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!Have ten Activated Pyramids.
Mason 1Own 3 Quarries.
Mason 2Own 8 Quarries.
Medieval EraUnlock Medieval Era.
Modern EraUnlock Modern Era.
No Cost is Too HighFinish Level 20 of The Babel Tower.
Penicilin is for losersDefeat the Great Plague.
Power of HundredHave 10,000 Population.
Quite a few PeopleHave 100,000 Population.
Renaissance EraUnlock Renaissance Era.
Spiraling HubrisFinish Level 15 of The Babel Tower.
Venting some Constitutional SteamOvercome the Great Revolution.
War to end all wars. Maybe except one or two...Win the World War.
WarlordClick the Main Button 1,000 times.
Warrior 1Defeat 1 Crisis.
Warrior 2Defeat 10 Crises.
Warrior 3Defeat 100 Crises.
Warrior 4Defeat 1,000 Crises.