Last Inua (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AdventurerComplete any 5 scenes without dying.
Afraid Of The DarkKeep the darkness away.
Collect a spirit runeFind and collect a spirit rune.
Collect All RunesFind and collect all spirit runes.
Collect Half Of The RunesFind and collect 50% of all spirit runes.
Fooled youDefeat an enemy.
FrostbiteWarm yourself at a fire after nearly freezing.
Role reversalDefeat 7 unique enemies in a single playthrough.
RushFinish the game in under 2 hours.
SurvivorComplete any 10 scenes without dying.
TeleflyingTeleport through at least 7 unique teleport points in a row.
The BearReach the Bear temple.
The NarwhalReach the Narwhal temple.
The RavenReach the Raven temple.
The TonrarEscape the from the Tonrar's attack.
The TrinityReach the Trinity temple.
UnbreakableFinish the game without dying more than 3 times.