Kyn (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Battle for SurvivalCompleted Mission 13.
A Frozen LandCompleted Mission 3.
A Last StandCompleted Mission 11.
A Triumphant ReturnCompleted Mission 12.
Brutal GamerComplete Kyn on Brutal difficulty.
Call for supportA light in the Darkness.
Cart troubleNew powers.
Casual GamerComplete Kyn on Casual difficulty.
Chronica DrieOne of the sacred scrolls.
Chronica EenOne of the sacred scrolls.
Chronica TweeOne of the sacred scrolls.
Chronica VierOne of the sacred scrolls.
Chronica VijfOne of the sacred scrolls.
Cities under SiegeCompleted Mission 4.
Claiming the FestrCompleted Mission 16.
Closing the GateCompleted Mission 9.
Destroy the catapultsBreak the Siege.
Family QuestReunited at Last.
Found all FeedStonesUltimate stone collector.
Free GigasAn old man's best friend.
Free the AeshirFriend or Foe?.
Friends in ArmsCompleted Mission 15.
Hardcore GamerComplete Kyn on Hard difficulty.
Hermit ScrollsGenius or Madness?
Kiera's TrainingA young apprentice.
Kiera's TrainingTrue Iron.
Kiera's TrainingWho needs a bow?
Kiera's TrainingCompleted al last!
Legendary GamerComplete Kyn on Legendary difficulty.
Lost Temple ScrollsCompleted Mission 10.
Lower the bridgeA bridge to far.
Lucky Man*HIC*.
MeatyMmmmm meat.
Normal GamerComplete Kyn on Normal difficulty.
Odin's AxecutionerI am the Law!!
Pirate's undying wishYaaarr!
Repair the broken firestoneHot, Bright and Shiny.
Rescue the guardsJustice?
Rescue the prisonersFree at last.
Return to VinborgCompleted Mission 1.
Reunite BengtaIs that you, mother?
Shipbuilders by the SeaCompleted Mission 2.
The Battle is JoinedCompleted Mission 7.
The ChoiceCompleted Mission 18.
The Dead ReturnCompleted Mission 14.
The Door to HellCompleted Mission 8.
The HermitCompleted Mission 5.
The Red CityCompleted Mission 17.
The Third TriCompleted Mission 6.