Jets 'N' Guns Gold (PC)


Complete 3 levels of difficulty in-a-row.

Console Commands

While in game press the "~" key to access the console. Type the codes there. Some codes have to be used again whenever you start a new level. Warning! If you use any codes the game will label your pilot as a cheater.

4x weapon damagepower_to_the_people 1
Increases money by x amountrichman x
Instantly comple current stageveni_vidi_vici
Invincibilityarnold_for_president 1
Ship has infinite coolingkeep_cool 1

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Air destroyerKill 100.000 air targets.
Armageddon now!Finish one level with Armageddonator.
Bounty hunterFind and capture all 9 galactic villains.
DecoratedMake one hero obtain all medals.
Don't panicPick up 100 hitchhikers.
FlawlessFinish campaign without being shot down.
Full hangarUnlock all 12 ships.
Going viralFind the secret science lab level.
Ground destroyerKill 10.000 ground targets.
HackerActivate 100 devices with RemCon.
Hidden orbitFind the secret base on lava planet's moon.
LegendaryGet to 10th round of the campaign.
LooterCrack 100 crates open.
Mini GamerReach score of 10.000 in Tetrix.
MoneygrabReach score of 100 millions.
Multi killerKill 60 troops with one hit.
No more secretsFind all secrets.
Not so PerfectFind Mr. Perfect's secret level.
Sweet revengeFind the secret level with spammers.
Total mayhemDestroy 250.000 targets.
Troop destroyerKill 100.000 troops.
VeteranFinish game on hard difficulty or higher.