Iji (PC)



At any time during the game (except during boss battles), press and hold down (crouch) and press C C C C Z to "reboot" Iji's nanofield, resetting all stats (excluding jump and armor upgrades) and returning all spent points, at the cost of most of your ammo and health. You will also no longer regain health from upgrading your health stat for the remainder of the sector.

Various unlockables

UnlockableHow to unlock
Alternate OutfitBeat the game on Extreme or higher.
Enemy InformationAchieve the "Immortal" gameplay rank.
Play Hero 3D Menu OptionBeat the game on Hard or higher.
Sector MapsBeat the game on Normal or higher.
Single Sector PlayBeat the game on Normal or higher.
Sound Test Menu OptionBeat the game on Normal or higher.
Sudden Death SectorBeat the game on Hard or higher.
Turbo ModeBeat the game on Ultimoral.
Weapon InformationAchieve the "Nanomaster" gameplay rank.