Final Fantasy 13-2 (PC)

Always start battle with full ATB

Starting a battle with full ATB is usually only possible with Pre-emptive Strike. However there is a way to start the battle with full ATB without this. At the start of battle, simply perform a Paradigm Shift to instantly fill the ATB gauge to full.

Easy "Beast Tamer" Trophy

Tame a Don Tomberry, which can be found at Bresha Ruins 100AF as rare spawn. Use "Battle Mania" to increase your chances of finding him and "Monster Collector" to increase your chances of capturing him.

Easy "Clock Stopper" Trophy

Perform one hundred consecutive preemptive strikes. If you make a mistake, reload a previously saved game. Make sure to save regularly to keep your progress intact.

Easy "Trigger Finger" Trophy

Get a "Perfect!" rank after the following quick time-events.

Episode 2, Bresha Ruins AF005: Paradox Alpha.
Episode 2, Bresha Ruins AF005: Atlas (Weakened).
Episode 3, Sunleth Waterscape AF300: Royal Ripeness.
Episode 4, City of Academia AF400: Zenobia.
Episode 4, Augusta Tower AF200: Proto fal'Cie Adam.

Easy CP and Gil

Note: This trick requires a turbo controller with auto-fire capability and a team that is able to win every random encounter in Academia -400 AF- without switching Paradigms or using items. Go to Academia -400 AF-, and reach the area southeast of the safe zone (where Chocolina is located). Find the escalator, which should be blue (going up). If it is not, find its switch to make it blue so you do not end up at the bottom of the escalator. Face the escalator, and set A to auto-fire. You will swing your sword wildly at the air when an encounter is imminent. Within a few hours, you should have gained a lot of CP and Gil. Note: This location was selected solely because of its proximity to the safe zone, but anywhere outside the safe zone will work as long as your wild sword swinging does not move you into the safe zone. Academia -400 AF- was selected because it is the only zone where you can have random encounters while standing still.

Fragment skills

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding skill.

Anti-grav Jump: Complete Chapter 5.
Bargain Hunter: Complete Chapter 5.
Battlemania: Complete the Academic Rank: Paradox Professor in Academia (400 AF).
Chocobo Music: Collect all Fragments in the Monster Bits and Bounty Hunter categories including the Archylte Steppe Bosses.
Clock Master: Collect all 160 Fragments.
Encounter Master: Collect all Fragments in all versions of Yaschas Massif.
Eyes of the Goddess: Collect all Fragments in: New Bodhum (003 AF), Bresha Ruins (005 AF), Yaschas Massif (010 AF and 01X AF), Oerba (200 AF) and Sunleth Waterscape (300 AF).
Field Killer: Collect all Fragments in the Academic Reward and Great Mog Wisdom categories.
Mobile Mog: Collect all Fragments in all versions of Oerba including the Paradox ending in 200AF.
Monster Collector: Collect all Fragments in Vile Peaks in 200 AF and 010 AF.
Paradox Scope: Complete the game.
Rolling in CP: Collect every Fragment in all versions of Bresha Ruins and Yaschas Massif.

Stronger weapons

Collect all 160 fragments before claiming the Chaos Crystal weapon at the front counter in Academia 4XX AF. With all 160 fragments, the weapon will be in its strongest form. Note: The Chaos Crystal can be purchased in Serendipity for 10,000 coins (7,500 with the Haggle skill). Give the Chaos Crystal to Hope in Academia 4XX AF and he will tell you to claim the weapon at the front counter. It does not matter which one you choose, because the other weapon can be purchased in Serendipity for 1,000 coins (750 with the Haggle skill) after claiming the first weapon.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the listed task to unlock the corresponding Steam achievement. To view your achievement progress and stats, open the Steam client, select "Community", then search for the game hub for "Final Fantasy 13-2 (PC)". Choose the "View Stats" option on the drop down list, then choose the option that will list the achievements for your username.

AchievementHow to unlock
AnomalousWitnessed every possible Paradox Ending.
Beast TamerBefriended a most unfriendly monster.
Big Game HunterDefeated every worthy opponent.
Budding HunterDefeated an army's worth of enemies.
Cerulean MedalDefeated a powerful enemy with valiant skill.
Choco-boco-holicSpent a fortune at shops.
ChronosaviorObtained the highest possible result in the battle to determine the fate of the world.
Clock StopperResponded swiftly to the appearance of enemies.
DefragmentedCompleted every fragment category.
Early RiserAccepted a new fate in a world where everything has changed.
Epic FinisherFollowed the story to its conclusion.
Fair FighterDefeated a powerful enemy on equal terms.
FragmentedCompleted an entire fragment category.
Future EspierVisited the place where clues to the future lie waiting to be discovered.
Giant's FistDealt 99,999 damage with a single attack.
No RetreatFought a significant number of battles without using the "Retry" option.
Obsidian MedalDefeated a powerful enemy with perfect execution.
Past GazerVisited the place where the saviors of the past dream in crystal.
Promise KeeperTurned your back on empty dreams and joined the battle to save mankind.
Quick DrawPerformed a significant number of preemptive strikes.
Saddle SoreWent the distance on chocobo-back.
Scarlet MedalDefeated a powerful enemy with graceful poise.
SerendipitousAmassed a fortune in casino coins.
Sooth SeekerPrepared to face a test of your determination in the rift where hidden truths slumber.
StaggeringStaggered a significant number of enemies.
StrategistPerformed a multitude of paradigm shifts.
Supreme BeingFully developed all abilities.
Threat FacerAcknowledged the threat facing the world, and decided to fight back.
Time TravelerLeft behind a normal life, and began a journey through time.
Trigger FingerObtained five Cinematic Bonus rewards.
Wild ThingSuccessfully used Feral Link abilities a significant number of times.