Elemental: War of Magic (PC)


Cheat Mode

Add the cheat command line parameter to end of the "Target" field in the "Shortcut" properties that are used to launch the game. Then, enter the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function.

+1000 to all ResoucesCTRL + M
AutosaveCTRL + S
Completes buildings projectsCTRL + B
Completes units projectsCTRL + J
Converts Enemy (selected) partyCTRL + D
Copy selected party (leaders)CTRL + C
Gives you a spouse and childrenCTRL + F
Hide/Show InterfaceCTRL + X
Kill selected partyCTRL + K
Level Up (aka lots of XP) Party leadersCTRL + P
Research Current TechCTRL + R
Research Spells (A Little)CTRL + Q
Research Spells (A Lot)CTRL + E
Reveal Map (Note: Can sometimes cause major lag)CTRL + U
Starts/Stops Auto Turn (Turns just fly by until you stop it)CTRL + Z
Teleports the selected character/unit to the cursorCTRL + T