Earthtongue (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Biodiversity ExpertUnlocked Journal Entry 12: "Evolution".
Biomass MaintainerUnlocked Journal Entry 10: "Memories".
Blue MoldUnlocked the Journal Entry for Blue Mold.
Blue MushroomUnlocked the Journal Entry for Blue Mushroom.
Brown PodUnlocked the Journal Entry for Brown Pod.
CicadaUnlocked the Journal Entry for Cicada.
Complete EcosystemUnlocked Journal Entry 15 by reaching a biodiversity of 28.
Cone BeetleUnlocked the Journal Entry for Cone Beetle.
CordycepsUnlocked the Journal Entry for Cordyceps.
Diversity MaintainerUnlocked Journal Entry 11: "Features of a Previous World".
Erratic SnailUnlocked the Journal Entry for Erratic Snail.
FlyUnlocked the Journal Entry for Fly.
Fruit PodUnlocked the Journal Entry for Fruit Pod.
Green MoldUnlocked the Journal Entry for Green Mold.
GrubUnlocked the Journal Entry for Grub.
Hungry PodUnlocked the Journal Entry for Hungry Pod.
LocustUnlocked the Journal Entry for Locust.
MantisUnlocked the Journal Entry for Mantis.
My TruthUnlocked Journal Entry 13: "My Truth" by unlocking Entries 1-12.
Pink MoldStarted the game.
Pink MushroomUnlocked the Journal Entry for Pink Mushroom.
Pitcher StalkUnlocked the Journal Entry for Pitcher Stalk.
Red MantisUnlocked the Journal Entry for Red Mantis.
Red PodUnlocked the Journal Entry for Red Pod.
Rhino BeetleUnlocked the Journal Entry for Rhino Beetle.
RoachUnlocked the Journal Entry for Roach.
SnailUnlocked the Journal Entry for Snail.
Specie CatalogerUnlocked Journal Entry 14 by unlocking the Journal Entry for every specie.
SpiderUnlocked the Journal Entry for Spider.
Spiny SlugUnlocked the Journal Entry for Spiny Slug.
Sundew MoldUnlocked the Journal Entry for Sundew Mold.
The NutrifallUnlocked the Journal Entry on Nutrifall.
WaspUnlocked the Journal Entry for Wasp.
Wind CombUnlocked the Journal Entry for Wind Comb.
Yellow MoldUnlocked the Journal Entry for Yellow Mold.