Don't Starve Together (PC)

How to dummy wilson die

step 1: pick wilson or die
step 2: craft torch haha so funny
step 3: delete some trees (from the files)
step 4: go live on twitch
step 5: notice that you've already died at this point
step 6: reset the world
step 7: once again, pick wilson or die
step 8: repeat step 2 and 3
step 9: invite some friends to help with this step
step 9.5: make sure they all are willow or they die
step 10: ask them to burn down some trees
step 11: talk to the chat
step 12: realize that your dumb willow friends burned a forest down, killing you in it.
step 13: rage quit

How to get the money

Helping you get the money for me in the future.

Step 1, Find the money.
The money is hidden on the new lunar island!
Search around and waste half an hour to find it because it spawns in random areas on random servers!

Finding the money isn't very easy since it spawns inside a random item so sometimes you get unlucky with an unbreakable item hosting your money.

Step 2, Find Mr. Anderson,
Mr. Anderson is looking for that tubby custard in the forest. Give him the moneyyyyyy.

Once he has his delicious money you need to say 'Mr. Aaaandersoooon, I've got the money!' and he will accept your money.

Your reward is a brief case of legal documents regarding tubby custard poisoning.

Step 3, Be a forever servant of Mr. Anderson
Just do everything he says, be paid minimum wage and have just enough food to survive.

Life is simple now and you will be collecting lots of the money for Anderman.

You are now one with Mr. Anderson!
Thank you for donating your soul to the world's saviour.