Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate (PC)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Archaeologist of the Year (800 points)Complete the game in Expert mode.
Cineaste (250 points)For watching every cutscene without skipping one.
Diligent (400 points)For completing every mini-game without skipping one.
Eagle Eye (150 points)Find 10 items without a bad click.
Family Reunion (500 points)Find proof that Wints' wife is alive.
Fireman (100 points)Put out the fire in the lab.
Hard-working (100 points)For completing two chapters without pausing.
Harvester (100 points)Find 10 ears of corn.
Honorable (100 points)Complete a mini-game without skipping it.
Incan Secrets (250 points)Find 15 Talking Knots.
Patient (550 points)For playing for 4 hours.
Photo Doctor (300 points)Assemble the image of Machu Picchu.
Prospector (300 points)Find all of the Incan gold.
Sagacious (400 points)For completing a chapter without using hints.
Speedy Gonzalez (100 points)Complete a level in one minute or less.
Time Traveler (100 points)Use the amulet 20 times.
Up-and-coming Archaeologist (600 points)Complete the game in Casual mode.
Wise (800 points)For completing the entire game without using hints.