Airport Madness: World Edition (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
100% Efficiency AwardAchieve 100% efficiency at any airport.
90% Efficiency AwardAchieve 90% efficiency at any airport.
Anchorage 100-Plane ChallengeMove 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Controlling Machine AwardAchieve the rank of Controlling Machine.
Experienced Controller AwardAchieve the rank of Experienced Controller.
Expert AwardAchieve the rank of Expert.
Funchal 100-Plane ChallengeMove 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Guru AwardAchieve the rank of Guru.
Heathrow 100-Plane ChallengeMove 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Honolulu 100-Plane ChallengeMove 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Instructor AwardAchieve the rank of Instructor.
Las Vegas 100-Plane ChallengeMove 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Licensed But Dangerous AwardAchieve the rank of Licensed But Dangerous.
Master AwardAchieve the rank of Master.
New York 100-Plane ChallengeMove 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Power Controller AwardAchieve the rank of Power Controller.
Safe Controller AwardAchieve the rank of Safe Controller.
San Francisco 100-Plane ChallengeMove 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Supervisor AwardAchieve the rank of Supervisor.
Time Trial Bronze AwardMove at least 55 planes in 10 minutes.
Time Trial Gold AwardMove at least 85 planes in 10 minutes.
Time Trial Silver AwardMove at least 70 planes in 10 minutes.
Time Trial Tin AwardMove at least 40 planes in 10 minutes.
Tin Pusher AwardAchieve the rank of Tin Pusher.
Trainee AwardAchieve the rank of Trainee.
Vancouver 100-Plane ChallengeMove 100 airplanes with no crashes.