Above Snakes (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All FragmentsUnknown.
BaristaMake 30 cups of coffee.
Below SnakesDie to snakes.
Best FriendGet the wolf cub as a companion.
ChefCook 100 meals.
Corpse CreekGet to Corpse Creek.
DendrophobiaGet killed by a tree.
Faster than the WindRide a horse to fast travel.
FishermanCraft a fishing rod.
GardenerPlant 100 crops.
Good FellerCraft an axe.
Happy BirthdayPlay a journey of 365 days.
Home, sweet HomeBuild a cabin with your own hands.
Honest WorkStart up a mine.
I am richHold 1000 coins.
LibrarianCollect 100 books.
Lost Soul kill of the weekTake out a Lost Soul with a tree.
LumberjackCollect 100 lumber.
MelissophobiaDie to bees.
MinerCollect 100 common rocks.
Rollin' AroundDo 100 dodge rolls.
Stable relationshipBuild a hitching post.
Tall talesCatch a Sturgeon.
The EndUnknown.
The first FragmentUnknown.
The second FragmentUnknown.
The third FragmentUnknown.
Tooth CollectorCollect 30 rotten teeth.
Tree DominoHit a tree by felling another one.
Won the LotteryHold 5000 coins.
YummyCook a meal.