Little League Baseball: Championship Series (NES)

Pitcher refresh

Once your pitcher gets tired he will lose some speed off of his pitches. When he tires, call a time out and substitute him out. Then call time again and replace the new pitcher with the original pitcher. He will have regained all of his energy and his pitches will be at full speed.

Secret Team

Press and hold the A button and then press Reset. While the intro cutscene is scrolling and before title screen appears, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B and A. If done right, the first player's default home place will be Touzainanboku and the team name will be Kuoshien Koukou. Note: This applies only to the Japanese version.

Various passwords

AYS9F7 DDFDUX DUBYLX EKCLNew York - Second Round.
CYU9F7 DDFBUX DSDWNV ELCMNew York - First Round.
DYCUT8 C3VEY9 SAVYVT 69TMTexas - First Round.
DYCUT8 C3VEY9 SAXYVT 09TMTexas - Second Round.
XXXY9X 8CV6RS RB8EJU L29YSpain - First Round.
XXXY9X 8CX0TU RDE8JS L38WSpain - Second Round.