Who is the Smartest? Vocabulary (iPhone iPod)


Game Center achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
Blazing ChampionAnswer an easy Speed Champ question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing GeniusAnswer a medium Speed Champ question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing MastermindAnswer a hard Speed Champ question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing ProdigyAnswer a hard Game Show question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing ScholarAnswer a medium Game Show question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing WhizAnswer an easy Game Show question in less than 3 seconds.
Flawless MillionaireWin a million in Speed Champ without missing any questions.
Four Score ProdigyAnswer four hard questions correctly in one game of Game Show.
Four Score ScholarAnswer four medium questions correctly in one game of Game Show.
Four Score WhizAnswer four easy questions correctly in one game of Game Show.
GS MillionaireWin one million in one game of Game Show.
Hang Ten ChampionAnswer ten easy questions correctly in one game of Speed Champ.
Hang Ten GeniusAnswer ten medium questions correctly in one game of Speed Champ.
Hang Ten MasterAnswer ten hard questions correctly in one game of Speed Champ.
Lifeline ProdigyUse all four lifelines while correctly answering a hard question.
Lifeline ScholarUse all four lifelines while correctly answering a medium question.
Lifeline WhizUse all four lifelines while correctly answering an easy question.
Lone MillionaireWin one million in one game of Game Show without using any lifelines.
Lone ProdigyCorrectly answer a hard question without using a lifeline.
Lone ScholarCorrectly answer a medium question without using a lifeline.
Lone WhizCorrectly answer an easy question without using a lifeline.
Patient ChampionSpend more than 90 seconds on one easy Speed Champ question.
Patient GeniusSpend more than 90 seconds on one medium Speed Champ question.
Patient MastermindSpend more than 90 seconds on one hard Speed Champ question.
SC MillionaireWin one million or more in a game of Speed Champ.
Speed ChampUnlock Speed Champ by earning $250,000 cumulative in Game Show.
Strikeout ChampionMiss 3 easy Speed Champ questions in a row.
Strikeout GeniusMiss 3 medium Speed Champ questions in a row (excluding easy).
Strikeout MasterMiss 3 hard Speed Champ questions in a row (excluding medium).
Wicked SmartWin two million or more in Speed Champ.