WWF Raw (Genesis)


Bret Hart's Somer Sault Splash

When the opponent is down near the ropes climb the top ropes hold X and press right, right, up, release X and press B.

Edit a wrestler

Enter one of the following controller actions at the view statistics screen. Note: Kwang is not a playable character.

Kwang Press Down + A + C.
Bret Hart Press Down/Left + Start.
Yokozuna Press Up + A + C.
Luna Vachon Press Up/Right + C.
Undertaker Press Right + Start + A.
Razor Ramon Press Left + A + C.
Lex Luger Press Down/Right + Start.
Doink Press Left + Start + A + C.
Shawn Michaels Press Down/Left + A + C.
Diesel Press Down + Start + A + C.

Full Attributes

Enter the CHANGE STATS code for the wrestler you want. When you are asked to change the attributes, hold Start until you hear a strange noise. You can now set all the attributes to 10.


During any one-on-one match press A+B+C at the same time on controller two and someone will come out and help your opponent.

Killer Punchs

To get killer punchs hold start and press up 4 times at the copyright screen then you will have killer punchs to use on your opponent.

More Edit a Wrestler

Wrestler - Code
123 Kid - Up+Right+Start+C
Bam-Bam - Up+Start+A+C
Owen Hart - Up+A+C

Turn a regular match into a brawl

To turn a regular one-on-one match into a brawl knockout the ref repeatedly until he will throw his arms in the air and leave the ring, which turn the match into a brawl. Note: This does not work on tournament mode.

Use the same wrestler

To use the same wrestler as your opponent or partner press Up+Start+A+C to use the same wrestler.

With 123 kid

While opponent is on ground get on top ropes hold x and press up,up,up,up,then let go of x and press b. I call the pogo stick plunge.

Yokozuna's Cannon Ball

When the opponent is down near the ropes climb the top ropes and hold X and press down, down, down, release X and press B.