Sword Of Sodan (Genesis)


Level Skip

Make the highest score on the high-score screen. Enter your name as "HINANP:)" and start a new game. Press START on Controller Two to warp to the next level. Alternatively, drink four Etherium potions at once to warp to the next level.


Here are a few potions you can mix.

Potion(s) Effect
Red Increased strength
Orange Healing
Blue Zapper
White No effect
Orange, White Flaming sword
Blue, White Shield
Red, White Extra life
Blue, Blue Poison

Sound Test and Level Select

Enter your highscore name as (Space) (Space) MLESNA to unlock the Sound Test. For Level Select, instead of pressing Start to save the name, hold down the buttons below on Control Pad 2, then press Start on Control Pad 1 to skip to the desired level.

A + B + UpStage 03.
A + DownStage 04.
B + UpStage 07.
C + UpStage 06.
Down + B + CStage 05.
UpStage 02.