Heavy Unit (Genesis)


Hidden message

To display a hidden credits text string, highlight Password in the options screen and press B 100 times.

Test screens

At the title screen, hold A + B + C and press Start to access a series of test menus where you can view the various graphics used in the game.

Various Passwords

Enter these in the options screen.

99 creditsTOMOYO
Change in-game colorsCOLORE
Change in-game colorsCOLORD
Change in-game colorsCOLORC
Change in-game colorsCOLORB
Change in-game colorsCOLORF
Change in-game colors (restore default value)COLORA
Invert colorsINVERT
Record gameplayRECORD
Replays recorded gameplayREPLAY
Stage progress counterLOCATE
Stage selectSOSITE