Drake and Josh (GBA)


Episode passwords

Enter these passwords in the 'password' at the Main Menu.

Password - Effect

Episode 6, Final Level: Stage Fright Arcade, All Guitars, No Essay Papers - 2548

Level passwords

Enter these passwords to go to the desired level

Password - Effect

6731 - Level 1-1
6165 - Level 1-2
7475 - Level 1-3
8636 - Level 1-4
7716 - Level 2-1
5725 - Level 2-2
3576 - Level 3-1
8285 - Level 3-2
7546 - Level 4-1
7621 - Level 4-2
2875 - Level 4-3
5147 - Level 5-1
5285 - Level 6-1
8273 - Level 6-2
7576 - Minigame: Cafeteria Panic
5688 - Minigame: Soda Pop Blues
2548 - Minigame: Stage Fright