Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth (GBA)


All levels

Enter the following password.

Aang, Zuko, Toph
Aang, Toph, Toph
Zuko, Momo, Iroh

Open "Single Run"

At the main menu password screen, enter the following.

Row 1: Aang, Zuko, Toph
Row 2: Aang, Toph, Toph
Row 3: Zuko, Momo, Iroh

This opens and gives an automatic A-ranking on the first 12 levels, allowing the secret level, "Single Run" to be played. Single Run is not a new level but rather all 12 levels strung together. They are played one after the other without stop.

Secret levels

Enter the following password to begin with an "A" rank on levels 1 through 8 and unlock the five secret levels.

Aang, Momo, Momo
Katara, Sokka, Sokka
Iroh, Sokka, Iroh