LoopZ (Gameboy)


Game Type B Bonus Levels

If you make a loop and clear the entire board, you will be taken to a bonus level. When you make a loop in this level, it does not clear from the board. You continue playing until you cannot place a piece. Also, if you score enough points in one single loop, you get a second bonus level. The game will randomly choose a puzzle from Game Type C for you to complete, and you only have one chance to complete it. When you return to the game, the playfield is cleared.

Game Type C level passwords

Choose Game Type C to enter password.

XYZZScreen 06
SDGSScreen 11
JSRCScreen 16
PCDCScreen 21
LFTRScreen 26
QZSQScreen 31
KNJVScreen 36
BHMWScreen 41
HBJTScreen 46

Last level

HBJTLast Level