Bomberman GB 3 (Gameboy)

Maxed Passwords

Enter these passwords from the Passwords menu (second choice) on the title screen to go to the named stage. Note that these will assume you completed the areas in the order I did when obtaining these passwords: for the sake of that, note I completed the areas in the order of Wood, City, Ice, Sand, Lava, Aqua, and Evil. Additionally, these passwords should give you all of the techniques from the shop (for all but the Wood stages, since one stage must be beaten to access the shop).

Aqua - Stage 1CEBFCC6
Aqua - Stage 2D6FD8CE
Aqua - Stage 3DEFFCCE
Aqua - Stage 4E6BD8D6
Aqua - Stage 5EEBFCD6
Aqua - Stage 6FEFF8DE
City - Stage 1CFBBF44
City - Stage 2D7F9B4C
City - Stage 3DFFBF4C
City - Stage 4E7B9B54
City - Stage 5EFBBF54
City - Stage 6FFFBB5C
Evil - Stage 1CF37D40
Evil - Stage 2D775948
Evil - Stage 3DEFFCCE
Evil - Stage 4E735950
Evil - Stage 5EF37D50
Evil - Stage 6F775958
Ice - Stage 1CFBFF86
Ice - Stage 2D7FDB8E
Ice - Stage 3DFFFF8E
Ice - Stage 4E7BDB96
Ice - Stage 5EFBFF96
Ice - Stage 6FFFFF9E
Lava - Stage 1CEBBC64
Lava - Stage 2D6F986C
Lava - Stage 3DEFBC6C
Lava - Stage 4E6B9874
Lava - Stage 5EEBBC74
Lava - Stage 6FEFB87C
Sand - Stage 1CEB7FE0
Sand - Stage 2D6F5BE8
Sand - Stage 3DEF7FE8
Sand - Stage 4E6B5BF0
Sand - Stage 5EEB7FF0
Sand - Stage 6FEF7FF8
Wood - Stage 10986400
Wood - Stage 211C4008
Wood - Stage 319C6408
Wood - Stage 42184010
Wood - Stage 52986410
Wood - Stage 639C6418

The Boss Attack Code

Enter the following code and you'll be able to fight all the bosses. You'll also be armed with the (K)ick, (L)ine, (D)ash, and (F)ull Bombs power-ups, but you'll have no (M)otorbikes.

Boss Attack CodeDEB1F7F

Various Passwords

Aqua Area 1 (First 3 areas, Sand, and Lava areas beaten)CEBE426
Aqua Area 2D6FC02E
Aqua Area 3DEFE42E
Aqua Area 4E6BC036
Aqua Area 5EEBE436
Aqua Area 6F6FC03E
City Area 1 (Wood Area Beaten)498A424
City Area 251C802C
City Area 359CA42C
City Area 46188034
City Area 5698A434
City Area 679CA43C
Fight Final BossF775818
Ice Area 1 (Wood and City Areas Beaten)4BAE406
Ice Area 253EC00E
Ice Area 35BEE40E
Ice Area 463AC016
Ice Area 56BAE416
Ice Area 67BEE41E
Lava Area 1 (First 3 areas and Sand area beaten)CABA4A4
Lava Area 2D2F80AC
Lava Area 3DAFA4AC
Lava Area 4E2B80B4
Lava Area 5EABA4B4
Lava Area 6FAFA4BC
Sand Area 1 (First 3 areas beaten)4AA6460
Sand Area 2D2F4028
Sand Area 3DAF6428
Sand Area 4E2B4030
Sand Area 5EAB6430
Sand Area 6F2F4038
Wood Area 10986400
Wood Area 211C4008
Wood Area 319C6408
Wood Area 42184010
Wood Area 52986410
Wood Area 639C6418