Killer Instinct 2 (Arcade)

The Endings

By "Kill" a character, perform an Ultimate/No Mercy/Stage fatality on the character and then proceed to defeat Gargos.

EndingHow to unlock
Combo Ending 1 & 2Kill Tusk or let him live.
Fulgore Ending 1Don't kill Orchid or Jago.
Fulgore Ending 2Kill Orchid and Jago.
Fulgore Ending 3Kill Orchid, but bot Jago.
Fulgore Ending 4Kill Jago, but not Orchid.
Gargos EndingJust defeat the last boss.
Glacius Ending 1 & 2Destroy the wall in Sabrewulf's stage and then kill Sabrewulf or let him live.
Glacius Ending 3 & 4Do not destroy the wall in Sabrewulf's stage, but kill Sabrewulf or let him live.
Jago Ending 1Don't kill Orchid or Fulgore.
Jago Ending 2Kill Orchid and Fulgore.
Jago Ending 3Kill Orchid, but bot Fulgore.
Jago Ending 4Kill Fulgore, but not Orchid.
Kim Wu Ending 1 & 2Without using a continue, kill Spinal or let him live.
Kim Wu Ending 3 & 4Use at least 1 continue and kill Spinal or let him live.
Maya Ending 1 & 2Kill Tusk or let him live.
Orchid Ending 1Don't kill Sabrewulf or Jago.
Orchid Ending 2Kill Sabrewulf and Jago.
Orchid Ending 3Kill Sabrewulf, but bot Jago.
Orchid Ending 4Kill Jago, but not Sabrewulf.
Sabrewulf Ending 1 & 2Kill Glacius or let him live.
Spinal Ending 1 & 2Kill Kim Wu or let her live.
Tusk Ending 1 & 2Destroy the hanging piece of wing in Glacius' stage and then kill TJ Combo or let him live.
Tusk Ending 3 & 4Do not destroy the hanging piece of wing in Glacius' stage, but kill TJ Combo or let him live.