Temple Run: Brave (Android)



At Temple Run: Brave you can buy other outfits for Merida. To unlock the following outfits you need 10000 coins.

CostumeHow to unlock
Quilted RaimentAvailable after 10,000 coins.
Royal GownAvailable after 10,000 coins.
Shadow ArmorAvailable after 10,000 coins.
Tartan SafeguardAvailable after 10,000 coins.
Woolen CoveringAvailable after 10,000 coins.


Do not be too expansive with your gestures, a simple finger flick is enough most of the time.

Grabbing boost

Grabbing a boost power-up just before a target practise section is not the best of ideas.


There are power-ups in the store that let you boost yourself further into the level consequence free.