I Love Hue (Android)


Google Play Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Black BeltBeat the average 300 times.
Blue BeltBeat the average 100 times.
Brown BeltBeat the average 250 times.
Gold BeltBeat the average 20 times.
Green BeltBeat the average 50 times.
Orange BeltBeat the average 5 times.
Purple BeltBeat the average 200 times.
Red BeltBeat the average 150 times.
The HeroComplete the last stage of The Quest.
The Ultimate HeroWin every single heart in The Quest.
The Ultimate VisionaryWin every single heart in The Vision.
The VisionaryComplete the last stage of The Vision.
White BeltBeat the average 2 times.
Yellow BeltBeat the average 10 times.

Original board

Before the colors scramble take a screen shot of completed puzzle so you can refer back to it.

Various General Tips

The hues sometimes appear to change when they're in place, so shift things around.
Look for single lines first, this'll give you a base to build other lines on.
Once you've got a few hues in place it's a little easier.